Hi Nikki! I used to live in Cincinnati, and sort of all over the SW Ohio/NKY region. It tends to be a Bible-thumping, conservative area, as you know, but you seem pretty level-headed.
I'm not going to go "all-in" on this discussion, because to be honest, I've been through it too many times, and I know I need to extricate myself from the moral-political-religious threads here, as I tend to get a little too wrapped up in them and don't always show my best side in the end.
But I will suggest that although you're right to sense some hypocrisy in the law, I think the abortion debate largely turns on the primacy of the mother: her body, her choice. I'd have to count myself among the Pro-Choice crowd in that even though I strongly dislike abortion as an option, I have to side with a woman's right to choose. I'm also disgusted by unnecessary (i.e., there is no threat to the life of the mother) late term abortions, and wouldn't be able to support or stay with a woman who made that decision. But in the end, I have to believe it's her decision to make.
So if a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, in my opinion that's her choice, and it's really not for anyone to judge, least of all men who have absolutely no clue what it's like to be a woman facing the prospect of motherhood. The baby is part of her, and she alone can make the choice to end its life. But if she chooses to carry the baby to term and they're both killed, then I think it should count as two murders. Not that it matters, though. Despite differences of opinion on the status of a fetus, I don't think anyone disagrees about cold-blooded murder of a fully grown person, so one murder should really be enough to justify locking up a killer for the rest of their life.
Just my two cents.