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How Covid changed us

Five years on from the first UK lockdown, the Guardian looks at how the pandemic changed the way we live our lives

  • Graphic showing a NHS hospital hit with a Coronavirus bacteria

    How Covid changed the British state

    Surge in national debt and NHS backlog altered the economy and expectations around crisis management
  • A woman on a laptop

    How Covid changed the way Britain works and plays

    From Thursday becoming the new Friday, to sore backs from working in the kitchen, the pandemic had a profound effect on our working patterns
  • Illustration of a young boy holding a coronavirus in one hand and a schoolbook in the other

    How Covid changed children in Britain

    Uncertainty, disruption, increased screen use and crippling anxiety are some of the legacies of pandemic school closures
  • Graphic depicting a person looking at conspiracy theories on a laptop

    How Covid changed the way Britain thinks

    The physical impact alone has been seismic, but has the pandemic also altered how we see ourselves and the world?
  • a graphic of a gravestone with a wreath and a covid cell

    How Covid-19 changed the way we die

    The pandemic forced many people in England and Wales to reflect how they might die with dignity, and the numbers of those wanting to die at home is on the rise