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LivingCorpse commented at 2021-12-12 18:00:29 ยป #2671445
Backblast is a very real and deadly thing. While some newer launchers and recoilless guns have been designed with ways to prevent backblast, you should always assume its broken or if you don't know what the weapon is, always treat it like one of the older weapons still in use with backblast.
In short, never stand directly behind it, and if you are the shooter always be mindful of who and what is behind you and shout out to make sure people know you are gonna fire. Don't even stand directly in front of a wall as the backblast can bounce off the wall and kill you.
1 Points
Backblast is a very real and deadly thing. While some newer launchers and recoilless guns have been designed with ways to prevent backblast, you should always assume its broken or if you don't know what the weapon is, always treat it like one of the older weapons still in use with backblast.
In short, never stand directly behind it, and if you are the shooter always be mindful of who and what is behind you and shout out to make sure people know you are gonna fire. Don't even stand directly in front of a wall as the backblast can bounce off the wall and kill you.